Why do I need an Adviser to help me find Insurance?
In the days of comparison websites the question we often here is ‘Why do I need an Adviser?’ and the response is if you want to see what products are available on the market, then you don’t need an Adviser.
- You can find the ‘best rate’ on a comparison website.
- You can apply for the top or cheapest result.
- You can be refused.
- You could keep doing this and ultimately destroy your credit rating.
- Or worse, you could end up with the wrong cover.
The problem is this. Comparison websites present you with results loosely based on the few questions they have asked about aspects of your personal circumstance, but these few questions will only return to you an example of the products available across the entire market and not those ones necessarily suitable for you.
Our qualifications enable us to understand how you fit the market.
We also appreciate that it may be difficult to meet during the day we offer a flexible diary and can also see you at your own home if more convenient.