We are passionate about protection. Sadly having had clients experience claims we have seen the difference it makes when protection is done properly.
The starting point is to consider what would happen to you or your partners ability to fund the mortgage liability in the event of either death, critical illness (not to be confused with terminal illness) and also if you were unable to work due to illness.
The sad fact is that in most instances, especially if there is children to care for aswell then the strain on the family finances may well be impossible and lead to tough decisions about whether to sell just to survive.
People often think that the state or work will help when the worst happens, the reality is somewhat different. When taking on a mortgage liability you have to understand that you have a decision to make as to what position you want to leave yourself, or your partner and loved ones should the worst happen. Some events in life you have control over, unfortunately your health or illness is not one of them. What you do have control over is the mechanics that you can put in place should they happen.
Advice in this respect is key as there is many times that we see misunderstandings in definitions, no relevance of cover to circumstances and people that ‘never got round to it.’ It is unlikely that you will ever have the opportunity to discuss this other than when arranging the mortgage and for us we feel that protection planning goes hand in hand with taking on a mortgage liability.
We also appreciate that it may be difficult to meet during the day we offer a flexible diary and can also see you at your own home if more convenient.